EC alumni, Ryan Appelgate and Rob Korsch, were fast friends
after meeting as undergrads. As chemistry majors and student athletes on the
tennis team, their common interests made for a strong connection. Both have
gone onto great success in the health professions; Ryan as a physician
assistant and Rob as a physician. Below they share a little bit about their
time at EC and in professional school.
Ryan Applegate (left) and Rob Korsch (right)
1.)What experiences did you have at Elmhurst that
helped prepare you the most for professional school?
Ryan: Being a Resident Advisor (RA) for 3 years
helped teach me leadership skills and responsibility. Being on the tennis team
during college gave me an outlet to keep me sane during my long nights of
studying as a Biochemistry major. Those
Chemistry professors are no joke! They demand a lot of hard work from their
students. They will give you a very difficult exam or assignment, but be the
first ones there to pick you up right after it as well!
To succeed academically in any
graduate program, it requires dedication, hard work (and lots of it), and a
well-tuned, functioning internal clock that we all call time management. These
are the qualities everyone states as being necessary to succeed. And it’s
true. They are. The didactics at Elmhurst College, most
notably the science department, had undoubtedly set the bar high. In order to
perform well, I was forced to hone these qualities and really push myself
further than I thought I could, or than what I was use to. Anyone that went
through Elmhurst College’s Chemistry program can attest to that. Participating in a few on-campus organizations,
while concomitantly managing academics, proved extremely valuable as I pursued
a career in medicine. Believe it or not,
the social activities and opportunities continue beyond college, and I found
myself even more involved than I was in undergrad.
2.)What did you appreciate most about your Elmhurst
Ryan: Definitely the
amount of different opportunities a small town kid like me could have while
going to the school. I was very grateful for my childhood upbringing by two
loving parents. The environment fostered by EC was very similar in many ways.
Anything I wanted to do or create, they usually gave me the avenues to do
it. I had several jobs while I was there
such as working in Admissions, tutoring for the Chemistry department, being a
Resident Advisor, and being a Conference Housing Assistant for the summer. I
was also the president (and creator) of Ping Pong club during my junior year. However,
perhaps, I am most appreciative for the strong friendships I made while I was
there. I still keep in very close touch
with the majority of my friends from college and could not imagine a life
without them. For instance, I do not
know what I would do without my “brother,” Rob Korsch. We’ve been there for
each other at every event since we met, starting with the tennis courts and
science labs at EC. I know, that will
continue forever.
There were two main activities that required most of my time while attending
Elmhurst College: academics and tennis. My experience with the science
department and the incredible faculty on staff as well as my experience playing
on the Men’s Tennis team were two things that, to this day, I still
cherish. I appreciate the opportunity I
had to be part of a group of guys that I still keep in contact with today. It’s not always something you think about in
the moment, but retrospectively, I am so appreciative of the Chemistry
Department faculty and their incredible abilities to teach and form bonds (no
pun intended) with the students. It will be a lifelong memory of mine.
Ryan and Rob enjoying a game of tennis.
3.)What were some of the best aspects of attending University
of Iowa/Midwestern University?
Ryan: The University of Iowa PA program and
Elmhurst College had a lot in common for me.
At EC, there were not more than 20 people in hardly any of my classes,
which meant a low instructor to student ratio.
The PA program here at the University of Iowa takes on 25 students each
year. The program quickly takes up the majority of your life for the duration
of the didactic months. Those “other students” quickly become your family by
the end of week one. Everyone helps
where they can. No one wants to see anyone struggle and no one is left
behind. The faculty at the University of
Iowa is also undoubtedly top of the line. From the secretaries to the Director
of the program, each one has a very specific function within the program and is
definitely worth their weight in gold. I
could go on forever about how great of a program it is, but the last thing I
will say that makes it so amazing is that our program is intertwined with the
medical students. We take many of the
same courses with them, and even join several of their clinical rotations. It
is nice to work alongside them, as it shows cohesiveness to the healthcare team
right from the beginning of training. My favorite rotation while at school was my
Wilderness Medicine rotation. We stayed in the Colorado Mountains and did
exercises such as sliding down a mountain at a steep incline and using an ice
pick to flip ourselves over to stop from falling into trees or off a
cliff. We also did a 3 day canoe trip
during this time; we learned great lifesaving outdoor skills.
Rob: Midwestern University
(MWU) is an incredibly diverse atmosphere.
It is a health care based institution and offers many professional
programs, including the founding school “Chicago College of Osteopathic
Medicine” (CCOM). Located in the western suburbs of Chicago, it offers
unmatched clinical rotations and is well known for its strong didactics. You form a number of connections throughout
the Chicago-land area that definitely have an impact on your future. As a recent graduate of CCOM, I can report
first-hand of the great opportunities I’ve had and how well I was prepared to
enter residency.
Rob and Ryan supporting the Hawkeyes.
4.)What are you doing now since graduating from
professional school?
Ryan: Now that I
graduated from PA school I am going on my third year working as a physician assistant
for the UI Quickcares in Iowa City. We
are affiliated with the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and act as an
urgent care facility. It has been great
to “get my feet wet” since starting as a PA.
My wife, whom I met during school as she was a medical student while I
was a PA student, is finishing up her dual MD/PhD degree and will start
residency June 2015. Who knows where
life will take us next as she is currently interviewing for her residency
placement. Now that I have a few years under my belt, I will probably look to become
a little more specialized after we move in either pediatric endocrinology or urology.
I’m excited for the next new adventure in both my career and life!
Since graduating from CCOM, I am a first year Urological Surgery Resident
Physician at Franciscan St. James Health in the southern suburbs of Chicago.
there recommendations you have for current undergraduates as they are preparing
to become health care professionals?
Do what you love and are passionate about.
Don’t do any career for the money. Shadow and gain as much hands-on
experience as you can in different fields/specialties. There is no better way to rule something in
or out than having knowledge and experience in the field. Talk to and make as
many friends and colleagues as you can.
Ask questions and be as inquisitive as you were when you were five years
old! Don’t settle for anything less than
your best. Give it your all, and if the
first time you don’t get into the field or program you wanted to—try, try
Have fun! It is obviously very important to do well academically when entering
into any health profession; I don’t have to tell you that. But sometimes we
forget the importance of a social life and there needs to be a balance. More specifically to those applying to
medicine, study hard, prepare well for your MCAT, and apply early. It is a long process and can be very draining,
but with persistence, you will do great! EC has some very helpful resources for
pre-med students, and I highly recommend you take advantage of them!