Growing up, most of us were taught the importance of saying “thank
you” (often hand-in-hand with please). Hopefully those lessons in politeness
have stuck with us to adulthood. Yet, as we become more socially aware, it is
apparent the means to show gratitude can vary and require a measured approach.
In the health professions, many graduate and professional
programs conduct interviews to screen candidates for seats in their upcoming classes.
It is highly recommended that students not only share their appreciation of
being offered an interview while on site but also follow-up afterward in
writing to show gratitude for the opportunity to meet with them. Thanking the
school after an interview may not “make or break” one’s chances of being
accepted, but it certainly can demonstrate professionalism, graciousness, and a
genuine interest in the program. Not every applicant takes the time to be this
thoughtful, and the kind gesture is noted. As a student digests this, a
multitude of questions may come to mind. How should I go about this? Do I mail
them a card? Send an e-mail? How soon should I send it so I’m timely but not
too overzealous?
Thank you!
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